Lead generation
GOALSierra Regency is a premier independent living community in Roseville, CA. So the goal was to find people which will be interested in it. And also become a client.
ANALYSISAn analysis of the target customer, what he is interested in, and what influences decision-making was built. Two strategies were created: one for the elderly and the other for their children and relatives who could make decisions for them.
After developing a strategy, I started testing and improving the results. Static results and video were tested for different audiences. I targeted according to the strategy to find the most relevant customers, and during the work, I improved the strategy. Daily analysis and improvement of the results got an average price per lead of $20.76.
- Reach – 10 243
- Leads – 81
- CTR – 3.09%
- Price per lead – $20.76
Stages of work
2. Obtaining access
3. Audit
2. SetUp conversions and analytics
3. Testing
2. Cost optimization
3. Scaling the best connections